Accounts details

Beneficiary bank: Operation Department of the Bank of Russia, Moscow

Russian BIC: 044501002

Correspondent account number: 00000000000000000000


Beneficiary account number: 30414810700000000001

Tax reference number: 7750004023

Used for: all markets

Purpose of payment: see templates of filling payment purpose

NCC account details in Russian rubles with the Central Bank of Russia are additional ones and are used on equal terms with the details with NSD


Russian BIC: 044525505

Correspondent account number: 30105810345250000505


Beneficiary account number: 30414810000000000911

Tax reference number: 7750004023

Used for: all markets

Purpose of payment: see templates of filling payment purpose

Information on the details of the NCC's correspondent account in Chinese yuan was sent to the Clearing Members through the EDI. For more information please contact your personal manager.

Information on the details of the NCC's correspondent account in Kyrgyz som was sent to the Clearing Members through the EDI. For more information please contact your personal manager.

Information on the details of the NCC's correspondent account in Kazakhstan tenge was sent to the Clearing Members through the EDI. For more information please contact your personal manager.

Information on the details of the NCC's correspondent account in Tajik somoni was sent to the Clearing Members through the EDI. For more information please contact your personal manager.

Information on the details of the NCC's correspondent account in Uzbek sum was sent to the Clearing Members through the EDI. For more information please contact your personal manager.

Information on the details of the NCC's correspondent account in Armenian drams was sent to the Clearing Members through the EDI. For more information please contact your personal manager.

Information on the details of the NCC's correspondent account in Turkish lira was sent to the Clearing Members through the EDI. For more information please contact your personal manager.

Information on the details of the NCC's correspondent account in Belarusian rubles was sent to the Clearing Members through the EDI. For more information please contact your personal manager.

Please note that according to the NCC Clearing Rules Clearing Member when transferring cash funds in the relevant currency for depositing and settlement with the CCP NCC on the basis of clearing results must indicate Settlement Account or Settlement Account of the 2nd level in the purpose of payment.

Payment documents, received by the CCP NCC, with the indicated Settlement Accounts are processed automatically. In case if Settlement Accounts and purpose of payment are not indicated in the payment document, received cash funds are usually credited to accounts "until information is clarified", which means payment documents manual processing. In this case NCC can not guarantee that received cash funds will be taking into account when calculating Single Limit and will be used in settlement.


in Russian rubles

for the FX market: Transferring collateral ОRKХХХХХ. VAT free

for the Securities market: Transferring collateral FRORКХХХХХ. VAT free

for the Derivatives market: Transferring collateral under the agreement N DKU/XXXXX/XX от DD.ММ.YYYY. Code of the clearing register section RRRRRRR. VAT free

for the Commodities market: Transferring collateral TROХХХХХ. VAT free

for the Standardised Derivatives market: Transferring collateral OTCХХХХХ. VAT free


XXXXX – Settlement Account of the Clearing Member

ОRК, FRORК, TRO, OTC – stand for code words and define the market

DKU/XXXXX/XX – number of the Clearing Membership Agreement

DD.ММ.YYYY – day, month and year of the Clearing Membership Agreement conclusion

in foreign currency

for the FX market:


for the Securities market: SMCSCXXXXX TRANSFER OF FUNDS

for the Derivatives market:



XXXXX – Settlement account of the Clearing Member

UVR – code word for the FX market

SMCSC – code word for the Securities market

DKU/XXXXX/XX – number of the Clearing Membership Agreement

DD.ММ.YYYY – day, month and year of the Clearing Membership Agreement conclusion


Payment instruction for Russian rubles:

"Transferring collateral ОRКXXXXX. VAT free"

where XXXXX Settlement Account of the Clearing Member, ОRК is the code word for transferring collateral to the FX market

Payment instruction for Foreign currency:

For institutions, which are professional participants of the securities market, using MT202 and/or MT203 message format



For institutions, which are not professional participants of the securities market, using MT103 message format



where XXXXX Settlement Account of the Clearing Member, UVR is the code word for transferring collateral to the FX market


Payment instruction for Russian Rubles:

"Transferring collateral ОRКМ2XXXXXYYYYY. VAT free"

Payment instruction for Foreign Currency:



where XXXXX is the Settlement Account of the 1st level

YYYYY is the Settlement Account of the 2nd level


Proposed completion of PAYPROPRQ and CURRETURN regarding tenge

for Kazakhstan residents:

:58D:/account number

Beneficiary bank

BIN number

Beneficiary city, country


for Kazakhstan non-residents:

:58D:/account number

Beneficiary bank


Beneficiary city, country


If the Clearing Member does not have account in tenge, opened with the Kazakhstan bank directly, but operates via the correspondent bank, then field 57 is filled in in the way similar to the field 58

Recommendations for filling in payment details in Kyrgyz som (KGS)

Requirements for filling in separate fields of MT202:

Field:56: it’s not used;

Field:57: filling in only with option D. It’s mandatory to indicate 6 digit of BIC of the recipient’s Bank in the payment system of Kyrgyzstan (BIC XXXXXX) и Bank's name.

Field:58: filling in only with option D. Indicate correspondent account of the recipient (16 digits), then in the first line indicate 14 digits of INN of Kyrgyzstan (INNXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, if available, if not - 14 zeroes) and then name of the recipient of funds.

Field:72: It’s mandatory to indicate currency transaction code(8 digits).


:57D://BIC 123456, "bank's name"

:58D://1234567890123456, INN12345678901234, "name of the recipient of funds"


Recommendations for filling in payment details in Tajik somoni (TJS)

Requirements for filling in separate fields of MT202:

Field:56: it’s not used;

Field:57: filling in only with option D. It’s mandatory to indicate 9 characters (digits) BIC of the Tajik bank and the number of its correspondent account with the National Bank of the Republic of Tajikistan (ХХХХХХХХХ.ХХХХХХХХХХХХХХ), name of the receiving bank, city and country.

Important: BIC and account number should be indicated in one line

Field:58а: filling in only with option D. It’s mandatory to indicate the recipient's correspondent account (20 characters), then indicate in the first line INN of the Tajik correspondent bank (INNХХХХХХХХХ), name of the recipient of funds, city and country.

Field:72: it's mandatory to indicate payment purpose code (KNPХХХХХХХХХХ) in accordance with List of operation codes, set by Appendix №4 to the Instruction №219 to complete statictic reporting form №1-PB "Report on foreign economic operations" (published on web-site of National Bank of Tajikistan (in Russian only): Нормативно правовые акты НБТ (

Payment purpose code is specified by the Clearing Member in the receiving bank .





INN 123456789

